Pro Only Policy


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Professional Only Policy

DK Beauty opened their first store in Calgary in 1999. Founded by Deborah J. Jacklin, Nail Technician 1986, Beautician, Nail Competition Judge, and 3x Canadian Nail Educator of Year.

As we supply to professionals in the beauty industry, we do require proof of professional status in the industry by way of Diploma, License or Beauty Student ID (with a recognized school such as DK Beauty). This regulation is put forth by our brand partners.

Requirements To Purchase

A recognized beauty license requires a minimum of 200 to 240 hours of training. We assess each case individually, considering factors like work experience or additional diplomas.

Examples of accepted credentials:

Nail Technology Diploma/License

Manicure/Pedicure Diploma

Hair Dressing/Cosmetology

Beauty Salon Owner

Beauty Course Instructor

Beauty School

All information is subject to review and accounts will be denied if minimum standards are not met.

**We do not recognize 1 day training programs, or self-taught nail tech / beauticians / estheticians**

Become a Professional at Team DK Beauty

DK Beauty is Canada’s one leading suppliers for beauty professionals. In order to maintain brand integrity, our professional products can only be sold to licensed professionals.