Free Shipping will be replaced by affordable, lower shipping rates for all Feb 15Akzentz, the epitome of luxury, proudly Canadian - our top Brand since the startFounded 1999 by Deborah Jacklin, Nail Technician100% Canadian - Family OwnedSezzle & Klara will be omitted for wholesale purchases as of the 15th of February

Akzéntz Professional

What we love about Akzéntz: Since founding in 1989, Akzéntz has grown to become a globally renowned brand of luxury gel nail products, synonymous with excellence, pioneering research, and meticulous product standards.What sets Akzéntz apart is our commitment to create every gel product from the highest quality, raw ingredients with our own research and development team – no outsourcing or white labeling. 100% Canadian!

Full Sculptured Natural Look Gel Nails by Deborah Jacklin. 1 Day Classes arriving soon for precision sculpting with Akzéntz

Add Akzentz Pearlescent Powder Silver

over LUXIO Blossom...

Full Sculptured Nails

"Lipgloss Glazed Nails"

No License Needed to Purchase

IBD FLASH Gels - New & Sizzling Hot!

New & Trending

IBD Magnetic Gels - Selling Fast!

Just Launched!

IBD Rubber Strength Gels

Akzentz / LuxioThe GelBottleLight EleganceKUPAClear Jelly StamperFuzionClear Jelly StamperRefectocilAmericanailsEZFlow AcrylicBaBylissIBD GelArdellApres NailEssieChina GlazeJust GelItalWaxSunnaTanBE-Mi BeautyGiGiErica'sFootlogixNASPMedicoolConscious CrystalsSatin SmoothGlitter MixBOKKA BotanikaClairolPunky ColourMINXUltra ToolsBe NaturalGenaKUPA
Essie Classic Polish

Save 40% This Weekend Orders $75+

Ends Sunday - Stock Up Now

20% Off Apres $100+

Ends Sunday 50% off $100+

Just Gel Polish Sale

Become a Certified SunnaTan Spray Tan Specialist - Organic + 100% Canadian

Earn Your Diploma Online with DK Beauty

We are the Award-Winning Nail Experts

Since 1999, our distinguished educators have been showcasing innovative products and advanced techniques.

Akzentz Professional, LUXIO, Fuzion, Light Elegance and The GelBottle Nail Diploma Classes Availalable at DK Beauty


Instructed by Experts in the Industry

  • Recognized Nail Classes for Novices to Professionals
  • Esteemed Luxio Gel Polish, Akzentz & Fuzion Classes
  • Professional instruction in Manicure & Pedicure techniques (in class or online)
  • Alternative offerings include Spray Tan Certification, Waxing Diplomas, and Lash Extension Training along with Lash Tint, Lift, and Brow Lamination

In person, online, or hybrid classes. Work at your own pace.


Classroom tours available by appointment

A Personal Note ....

DKB is a family owned & operated business. Over the past 24 months, the early detection and surgical removal of invasive, aggressive melanoma is so far successful. With the melanoma at bay, now facial skin cancer care & treatment are now in progress . YOUR SUPPORT IS SINCERELY APPRECIATED Friends, Deborah J, Nail Tech & Founder

Outlet Pricing - Boutique Shopping

Our new and updated Outlet Section allows you to get authentic products, at the best prices. Some items are discontinued; some items overstocked, but either way you get the best deal at DK Beauty